Wednesday’s Internet Grab-Bag – March 5th

Debt vs. Deficit – Hearing all the rhetoric coming from both sides of the aisle in Washington about the debt and the deficit may leave you scratching your head.  Politifact tackles differentiating the two.  This is also a great website to keep in your back pocket as November elections approach.  They have a pretty handy (and arbitrary) truth meter.

Are Tongues Languages? Part 3 – The Cripplegate continues it’s series on modern manifestations of tongues.  They take on the story of Cornelius in this post.

Positives and Negatives of Noah – Dr. Jerry Johnson of the National Religious Broadcasters has seen the Noah epic that is set to debut at the end of this month.  Ed Stetzer interviewed him for Christianity today and he gave 5 positives and 5 negatives of the film.

One Thing Christians Should Stop Saying – Over at the Huffing-and-Puffington post, Scott Dannemiller has a pretty helpful article on how Christians contradict the words of Jesus with one simple “Christianese” phrase.

Jesus, Friend of Sinners: But How? – At the Gospel Coalition, Kevin DeYoung addresses the idea that Jesus’ friendship with sinners was as a partier or was all about showing love and not taking sides.

“In what way was Jesus a friend of sinners? Did he have a grand strategy for reaching tax collectors? Did he indiscriminately “hang out” with drunks and prostitutes? Was he an easy going live-and-let-live kind of Messiah? What we see from the composite of these passages is that sinners were drawn to Jesus, that Jesus gladly spent time with sinners who were open to his teaching, that Jesus forgave repentant sinners, and that Jesus embraced sinners who believed in him.”

Page CXVI and Lent – Page CXVI has made their lenten album available for free streaming on SoundCloud.  Enjoy!

Ash Wednesday and Lent – Pastor Doug Wilson’s take on a proper perspective of Ash Wednesday and Lent in the life of the Church and of the Christian


  1. I remember watching that Lenten video with Douglas Wilson and really appreciated his perspective, especially from a guy who really likes the Church year and a wide variety of calender high points. I always enjoy lent as a season and in my family its a great time to sing hymns reflecting on the work, life and suffering of Christ while finding ways to be charitable.

    Another thought though was on the article you posted “One Thing Christians Should Stop Saying.” I think I might take a step of separation from what Scott Dannemiller is saying. I get his point but I think he is over reacting to a real problem. He says that “Nowhere in scripture are we promised worldly ease in return for our pledge of faith.” this is simple negligence to the text wealth is a blessing from God and the blessing and curses found in multiple places (Deut 28) makes it clear that God blesses materialistically for obedience. Now the blessing is never automatic, its not as if blessing is given ex opere operato, but it may be pleasing to God to bless a man with monetary reward for obedience.

    The main point being that everything God does in the life of His elect is a blessing. That might mean that its a blessing to go hungry and be bound for Christ, or be roasted alive over a fire. But it also might mean riches. Those riches God gives as a way to fund the kingdom and enrich the lives of the saints. its not automatic but we should receive everything in thanksgiving and joy and be content in all circumstances, realizing that all works out for the good (the blessing) of those who love Him.

    Also his point that “the most devout saints from the Bible usually died penniless, receiving a one-way ticket to prison or death by torture.” is also negligence to the text. The patriarchs, and Godly kings were often extremely wealthy. In fact the saint who so freely and lovingly gave up his tomb, Joseph of Arimethea, was considered very wealthy. And the new testament speaks highly of those who had the means to give to the first missionaries for the gospel. His point is valid but I feel his exposition is lacking.

    1. I totally agree with your points, but I think his sentiment still rings true. People believe that when things go well, that means God is blessing them and if they aren’t, that means He isn’t. This type of language isn’t helpful and, to your point, a more Pauline approach would be to say, “I’m content regardless of the circumstance, because my stance with God isn’t based on my circumstance.”

What do you think?